Transition Year

Transition Year Programme

The Transition Year (TY) is an optional one-year programme that forms the first year of a three-year senior cycle in Borris College. Our experienced, dedicated and committed teaching staff have designed a course with the intent to act as a bridge between the Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate programmes. Transition Year has a vocational emphasis where students gain the opportunity to participate in a Work Experience Programme. We are very grateful to businesses and employers in the local community and beyond who provide this opportunity to our students. Transition Year offers students an opportunity to develop and consolidate the skills they learned in the Junior Cycle and to prepare and mature through a range of participative activities, discussions, debates, and events.

Cost of Transition Year

The cost of families for 2022-2023 was €220. It is envisaged this cost will rise for the 2023-2024 academic year. This excludes the optional foreign trip which is offered to Transition Year students.

Subjects/Courses in the Transition Year Programme

All students study the following;

  • Irish
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Religious Education
  • Personal Development including Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)
  • Career Guidance
  • Work Organisation
  • Social Education
  • Mini Company

Students study either French, German, or Spanish. All students keep a record of their achievements using an ePortfolio which they have time to maintain during two class periods a week. In the 2023-2024 academic year students engaged in modular programmes which included

  • Agricultural Science
  • Architectural Technology
  • Art Appreciation
  • Chemistry
  • Chinese and Italian
  • Coding
  • Computers
  • Construction
  • Drama
  • Engineering
  • Fashion
  • Film Studies
  • Gaelic Studies
  • Geography
  • Graphics
  • History
  • Home Economics
  • Music
  • Physics

Borris College
Knocknagundarragh, Borris, Co. Carlow, Ireland
© 2024 Borris College